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About Us
Short Reflections
Rev Kevin Smith, Baptist
Rev Dr Gilles Mongeau, SJ, Catholic
Dr Robert Steffer, Disciples of Christ
Fr Pishoy Wasfy, Coptic Orthodox
Rev Dr Arnold Neufeldt-Fast, Mennonite
Dr Paul Ladouceur & Prof Richard Schneider, Orthodox Church in America
Rev Tim Purvis, Presbyterian
Dr Alexander Melnyk & Very Rev Dr Ihor Kutash, Ukrainian Orthodox
Rev Dr Margaret Trapnell, United Church
Discussion Papers
Religious Diversity
Introductory Statement
Denominational Statements
Anglican Church of Canada
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Orthodox Church in America
Presbyterian Church in Canada
United Church of Canada
Other Topics
Denomination Profiles
Why be a Christian?
One is not a Christian in order to be saved. One is saved by God, receives the gift of knowing this in Christ by the Spirit, and so one becomes a servant of Christ’s mission to redeem all of creation for the Father.
Why be a Christian?
Because it is the God-willed, God-announced and God-enabled human response to God’s address to humanity. God is calling every human to be – through Christ Jesus – reconciled to Him.
Why be a Christian?
Because Christ is in the world; there is no other way to be. One sees the world through Christian eyes, because Christ – Christ crucified, Christ risen – is All-in-all.
Why be a Christian?
To enjoy fellowship with God. 1 John 1 declares that fellowship with God is a distinct possibility for the Christian if we are prepared to be obedient to God. It flows out of atoning death of Christ for our sins which leads to purification
Why be a Christian?
Because God has, in an ultimate grace-filled act of self-disclosure, in Jesus Christ, revealed the divine nature to be one of self-giving, suffering, non-violent, transformative love.
Why be a Christian?
Because Christ confronted the powers that fracture our world and has overcome them with suffering love. He is ushering in a new heaven and new earth, and invites us to follow him and to work with “the grain of the universe.”
Discussion Papers
Coming soon!