Podcasts about Salvation
“Faith & Witness” is a podcast of the Commission on Faith and Witness that explores ecumenism. Each month we learn what happens when churches talk to each other, and about the people who have spent their lives in dialogue with Christians of other traditions.
Here are the podcasts that explore the topic of salvation. These dialogues will give you a chance to listen in on what it’s like when theologians of different denominations have an ecumenical dialogue. You may notice points of agreement and difference between them as they talk. You will see how the experience of talking together leads them further into their own faith. You will hear points of theology, of spirituality, history, personal experience, practical application, and more.
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Faith & Witness: Episode 1 (release date: June 1, 2016)
This inaugural episode of our podcast features a dialogue between Fr. Geoffrey Ready of the Orthodox Church in America (Canadian Archdiocese), and the Rev. Dr. Ian Sloan of the United Church of Canada. Fr. Geoffrey and Rev. Ian talk about the idea of salvation and its continued importance in a ‘post-Christian’ world which still yearns for wholeness and truth. They explore how the Orthodox and United beliefs about salvation strive to answer this yearning, as well as some similarities and differences in these responses.
Click here to listen (in English only) ->
Faith & Witness: Episode 2 (release date: July 1, 2016)
This episode continues the dialogue about salvation with a conversation between Sr. Gill Goulding, CJ, of the Roman Catholic Church, and Dr. Paul Ladouceur of the Orthodox Church in America (Canadian Archdiocese). Sr. Gill and Paul discuss the contemporary relevance of the topic of salvation, and talk more specifically about how salvation relates to the ultimate purpose and goal of Christian life, end-of-life, and life after death. They also share how the Commission approached the question of salvation through ecumenical dialogue.
Click here to listen (in English only) ->
Faith & Witness: Episode 9 (release date: February 1, 2017)
This month, Faith & Witness welcomes Fr. Ted Paraskevopoulos of St. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox church in Toronto and Rev. Lane Scruggs of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Fr. Ted and Rev. Lane discuss the idea of salvation and the authentic life – how religious discipline and freedom intersect, and what freedom really means.